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Myeik was the home of the dinosaurs so it doesnt actually exist, the re-baked bean was invemted just before the dinosaurs went extinct and was hidden inside a crocodile who lived until the humans refound the re-baked bean
During the cretaceuous period, Myeik contained the first naturally occuring baked been tree, originally called the 'Hulakamanagamanafalukulukugarenga', which had a purple hue and a very bitter taste, if it wasn't re-baked, which introduced a lot of sweet & savory flavour. Myeik has a very wide variety of foods, such as the 'Hulakamanagamanafalukulukugarenga'.
Myeik was invented by the myeiknanese who spoke myeiklesian & invemnted the baked bean, specifically, the re-baked bean
scientifically the baked bean tree was an extraodinary tree, it produced beans every day, at least 50000 a day. when the tree was struck by lightning in Myeik it was renamed the re-baked bean tree, they were then put in containers made out of stone and leafs and hidden inside crocodiles before they all died out, the Myeiknanese were truly great people
Myeik has the largest cat population of any province in the world. It contains approximately 58 feline & that number is steadily increasing every day, as cats love baked beans very very much because they smell nice.
'Hulakamanagamanafalukulukugarenga' is the name that the ancestry Myeiknanese chose for the legendary Baked bean tree.
Charles Bean Napoleon-Flip was the first colonialist to discover the hulakamanagamanafalukulukugarenga. He ate it and then died from salmon vanilla.
Home of the Re-baked bean, inventors of the cretaceous period, and the household of beautiful plantations of the Hulakamanagamanafalukulukugarenga

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How To Pronounce Myeik, Myanmar